

CPEP主催 第5回

Imaging in Hawaii




Hyatt Regency Maui


5か国 93名

  • Michael P. Federle, MD
    Professor and Associate Chair for Education
    Chairman, Department of Radiology, Stanford University Medical Center
  • Ann C, Leung, MD
    Professor of Radiology, Associate Chair of Clinical Affairs, Section Chief, Thoracic Imaging
    Stanford University Medical Center
  • 山口敏雄 MD, PhD(CPEP理事長)
    Director, Research Institute for Diagnostic Radiology, Shin-yurigaoka General Hospital
  • 大友邦 MD , PhD (CPEP副理事長)
    Chairman and Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Tokyo
  • 陣崎雅弘MD, PhD(CPEP副理事長)
    Professor and Chairman, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Keio University School of Medicine
  • 富山憲幸 MD, PhD(CPEP副理事長)
    Chairman and Professor, Department of Radiology, Osaka University School of Medicine


  • 大友邦 東京大学
    “Autoimmune pancreatitis and many faces of IgG4-related diseases”、他
  • 田中壽 大阪大学
    “Tumor and tumor-like lesions of the hand, categorized by anatomical location”
  • 北川覚也 三重大学
    “Radiation dose management in cardiac CT”、他
  • 山田恵 京都府立医大
    “Recent advances in diffusion weighted imaging”、他
  • 山口敏雄 新百合ヶ丘総合病院
    “TcMRgFUS: Japanese Experience”


  • Shrneyas Vasanawala, MD Stanford University
    “Update on Appendicitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease”、他
  • Kathryn Stevens, MD Stanford University
    “MRI of the Wrist and Hand”、他
  • Robert Herfkens, MD Stanford University
    “Coronary CTA: How we use it”、他
  • Max Wintermark, MD Stanford University
    “Role of Imaging in Acute Stroke”、他